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Numerical Simulation of Equipotentials in an Electrolytic tank using the Relaxation Algorithm - Finite Difference Method

My College physic project which I wrote a program to simulate the experimental observations had the catchy name above. The experiment and the orignal simulation program(BASIC and Pascal) was devised and written by Dr. Mulligan.
I wrote my program initally in Modula-2 then converted it into Pascal which was the language of choice in the Physic Department and produced a number of iterations of this program to simulate points of equipotential in an electrolytic substance. The crude output which was stored in a txt file I read in to a program called "mongo" using Fortran and produced a snazzy graph.
Coming soon - results and TEX file of my formal report including code, which is on some 3.5inch floppy disk!!.
(I have tended to re-write this project, to learn a new language, e.g. C, Perl, or Java or Java with Swing.)

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To Do:
So much of this I must give it its own page, the iterations should flip between (1,1) to (100,100) and (100,100) to (1,1) to give it more balance? Add the re-run item to the 100*100, and radio buttons to the applet, and graph to WEST in Grid Layout. Python version - equisim.py using graphics libraries to visualise.

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